
Conflict Minerals Purchasing Policy

Conflict Minerals Purchasing Policy


Conflict metals refer to minerals in conflict-affected and high-risk areas (CAHRA), including coltan, cassiterite, wolframite and gold. These minerals are refined into tantalum (Ta), tin (Sn), tungsten (W) (referred to as 3T minerals), gold (Au), cobalt (Co) and other minerals, which are used in electronics and other products respectively.

Some metal minerals have become a major source of income for armed rebel groups, which they use to trade arms, perpetuate bloody conflicts with governments and ravage local civilians, sparking international controversy.

I. As a citizen of the world, Lens Technology Co., Ltd. swears and promises to:

1. To fulfill its social and environmental responsibilities;

2. Trace the origin of gold (Au), tantalum (Ta), tin (Sn), tungsten (W), cobalt (Co) and other minerals contained in all our products;

3. Our company is on the list of compliant sites: (RMI_CMRT tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold), (RMI_CRT cobalt) and other minerals screening smelters and refineries suppliers.

II. During the same period, our supplier conflict minerals policy is required to meet the following criteria;

1, Smelter and refinery suppliers must be certified as conflict-free, or they will be disqualified as suppliers;

2, Publicly viewable (at www.responsiblemineralsinitiative.org) and readily available;

3, It must include (tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold, cobalt) and other minerals;

4, Do due diligence according to OECD guidelines;

5, Sourcing only from independent certified smelters and refineries;

6, Not accepting the use of metals from conflict mines, and guaranteeing that the minerals we purchase will not directly or indirectly contribute to the funding or benefit of armed organizations that violate human rights;

7. Ensure that conflict-free minerals from high-risk areas are not banned.

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