Technological innovation leads the industry trend
Company Profile Innovative R&D Contact Us
Innovative R&D
“Four New” Strategies
New Technologies, New Processes, New Equipments, New Fields
15 billion +
R&D Investment (2015-2023)
5 %
R&D investment accounts for about 5% of operating income
20000 +
R&D and technical personnel
Innovation Mechanism
Innovation Mechanism
Lens Technology practices the "diversified innovation mechanism" of independent innovation, collaborative innovation with customers, universities and other stakeholders, and the three-tiered R&D system of "R&D, reserve and production"
Innovation Platform
Innovation Platform
Lens Innovation Research Institute
National Enterprise Technology Center
Hunan Provincial Enterprise Technology Center
New Material Innovation Technological Innovation Patented Technology
Innovation Achievements
New Material Innovation
In 2000, Lens Technology first applied glass materials to mobile phones, which has changed the landscape of the industry.
Lens also took the lead in applying ceramic and sapphire materials to smartphones and smart wearable devices.
New Material Innovation
Technological Innovation
Multiple technological innovations developed by Lens such as CNC, silk screen printing and coating of glass have become industry-standard practices, with many technical specifications compiled by Lens serving as industry benchmarks.
Technological Innovation
Patented Technology
Lens Technology has obtained 2,200 + patent authorizations, covering processing technology, product testing, equipment development, new materials, industrial Internet, production digitization, smart parks, enterprise resource management and other fields, leading the industry.
Patented Technology
Intelligent Manufacturing
Intelligent Manufacturing
We have automated the traditional production line, and independently developed various key intelligent manufacturing equipment including core equipment such as heat bending machine, precision engraving, printing (pad printing, silk screen printing), CNC, lasering, coating, assembly, Automated Guide Vehicle (AGV), four-axis and six-axis robot.
Lens Technology has established smart factories that integrate intelligent operations from design, procurement, material picking, production to automatic logistics and transportation. The comprehensive integration, fusion and analysis of production and operation data assist management in timely and accurate monitoring of the production and operation status, supporting scientific decision-making, and serving corporate refined management and flexible manufacturing.
Lens Technology has built the "Lens Cloud” industrial Internet big data center, and fully utilized the precise positioning, measurement and recognition functions of AI image recognition to optimize production accuracy and achieve a high degree of integration of technology, process, equipment and supporting software and hardware.
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