People-oriented, honest and pragmatic
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Employee Care
People-oriented employee care: We adhere to the people-oriented core value and regard the happiness and development of employees as the dynamic source of the enterprise.

Building a harmonious community: We are committed to creating a warm and harmonious working atmosphere, so that employees can show themselves and realize their value in a relaxed and pleasant environment.

Open communication channels for employee care: We have established a multi-channel communication platform to actively listen to employees' voices and understand their needs and opinions.

Paying attention to physical and mental health of employees: We prioritize employees’ physical and mental health and provide regular health check-ups and psychological counseling services to help employees maintain their optimal condition.

Innovating caring approaches: We are constantly exploring new caring approaches to meet the diverse needs of employees in the new era.
Diversity and inclusion

Creating an open and inclusive working environment to achieve the common growth and development of employees and the company.

Diversity and equality: we advocate respect for the uniqueness of each employee, regardless of nationality, race, gender or background, etc. We also implement inclusive policies to ensure fairness in recruitment, training and promotion.

Cooperation and exchanges: we actively strengthen connections with special colleges and social institutions, introduce orphans and disabled apprentices who meet the company's requirements, and provide them with employment opportunities;

Cultural integration: By organizing colorful cultural and exchange activities, we promote mutual understanding and teamwork among employees from different backgrounds.

Counselor training: we organize counselors to participate in the “Employment Counselor Training” specially designed for employees with disabilities, so as to improve counselors’ understanding and support ability of employees with disabilities.

Concept promotion: We conduct workshops for middle and senior management and integration ambassador training for front-line managers to promote the concept of disability integration from top to bottom.

Continuous improvement: We establish a feedback mechanism to continuously optimize multicultural strategies to adapt to changing needs of society and employees.

Life at Lens
Show yourself and stimulate unlimited potential
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